- We Serve -

To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

The Lions Club of Seven Kings was formed over 21 years during which time we have undertaken a variety of projects both at a national and international level, these include:-

          • Bilamore Boy’s Hostel
          • Sukhtara Childrens Charity
          • Water Borehole, Ghana
          • ECG Monitor, The London Chest Hospital
          • The Butterfly Room, Haven House Hospice
          • Contributed £6,500 towards a Minibus for Newbridge Special Children’s School
          • Redbridge Giving Tree
          • Incubators for Childrens Ward at Newham General Hospital

The above is not an exhausted list but gives an overview of some of the projects that I can recall personally but there are also other numerous projects which we’ve supported in our distinguished history. An important aspect that you may not be aware of is that unlike other charities not a single penny of the funds we’ve raised go to administration and all of the funds go to support our projects.